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German-Korean exchange on strategies for structural change in the automotive industry Mar-04-2022

On February 09, 2022, KIST Europe hold the meeting German-Korean exchange on strategies for structural change in the automotive industry.

Dr. Pascal Strobel at saaris, the cluster Manager of automotive.saarland,

Dr. Taehyun Yang, the principal research of Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER),

Mr. Peter Wommer, the sales manager of Bosch Moehwald in Homburg and

many experts from germany and korea  xplained their business areas and shared various opinions on the cooperative demands between both automobile industries.

KIST Europe has actively supported by the simultaneous interpretation and moderation;

- Dr. Jeongho Seo, the Head of Global Cooperation Department

- Ms. Myeongju Lee, research assistant of Global Cooperation Department

After this webinar, all speakers and participants confirmed that it was very valuable and

the next meeting should be held in the near future.

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Administration / Jae Sang Lee
+49-(0) 681-9382-376