Oct-08-2024 Opening ceremony of the IBK Changgong Europe Desk is succesfully launched
IBK, the Industrial Bank of Korea, announced on October 8th that it has established the ‘IBK Changgong Europe Desk’, second overseas ba...
Sep-06-2024 Jeonbuk Techno Park opened its Global Biotechnology Cooperation Centre
On Friday, the September 06th, a new contact office of the Jeonbuk Techno Park opened its doors at KIST Europe. Among other things, it is in...
Dec-24-2023 Obituary for Dr.Chun-Sik Lee
KIST Europe mourns the passing of Professor Dr. Chun-Sik Lee/ &nb...
Apr-17-2024 Excellent Hosting for the official Accelerating Program of IBK Changgong Europe
After the pilot program from IBK Changgong Europe, unter the name of 'InSaar’ with its own cooperative platform, co-working with the Sa...
Apr-16-2024 KIST Europe and Fraunhofer IBMT signed MoU
On April 16 2024, the Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) and KIST Europe signed a Memorandum of Understanding,...
Mar-01-2024 KIST Europe researchers visited AWSi
On March 1th, the Institute Director, Dr. Soo Hyun Kim, and several researchers from KIST Europe officially visited the August Wilhelm Schee...
Nov-21-2023 First start-up Company 'Mapsea' rooted in Saarland unter the InSaar Program
The start-up support Program 'InSaar' with gwSaar celebrates its first success with the marine navigation service provder 'Mapsea Corporatio...
Nov-10-2023 Agreement between KIST Europe and K-ECO to promote joint research in the field of environmental risk management
On November 10, 2023, KIST Europe signed a business agreement with the Korea Environment Corporation (K-eco) to promote international cooper...
Oct-23-2023 KIST Europe and KBSI signed an agreement to promote EU international collaborative research networks
On October 23, 2023, KIST Europe and the Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI) announced that, using their repective research capabilities, t...
Sep-18-2023 Successful Hosting of IBK Changgong Start-ups with Saarland Government
As a pilot program, after the launching of aunching the ‘EU-Hub’ with its own cooperative platform, co-working with the Saarland g...
Jul-17-2023 KCL opened its branch office in KIST Europe
Dr. Soo Hyun Kim, Director of KIST Europe, delightfully welcomed the branch opening of the first-settled organization in the platform 'InSaa...
Jul-17-2023 KIST Europe signed a MOU with gwSaar
On July 17th, 2023, KIST Europe and gwSaar, the Saarland Economic Promotion Corporation, made a Memorandum of Understanding based on multipl...
Jun-28-2023 EU Hub for Start-ups is launched in KIST Europe
KIST Europe offers a huge stage for korean start-ups into Europe by launching the ‘EU-Hub’ with its own cooperative platform, co-working w...
Nov-18-2022 MOU with KITA Brussels Center on Environmental policies in Europe
On November 18th, 2022, KIST Europe and KITA (Korea International Trade Association) Brussels Center signed a Memorandum of Understand...
Oct-27-2022 KOSDAQ Executives visited KIST Europe
On October 27th, Executives from 23 South Korean companies, which are members of the KOSDAQ listed companies Association on the Korean...
Sep-27-2022 KIST Europe and KCL signed MoU
On Sep 27 2022, the Korea Conformity Laboratories and KIST Europe signed the 2. Memorandum of Understanding to develop and to concretize the...
Jul-18-2022 Delegation from KEIT visited KIST Europe
On July 18 2022, the delegation from Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT) visited KIST Europe and had a joint seminar ...
Jul-07-2022 Participation in the kick-off meeting by the state secretary of saarland government
On July 07, 2022, Ms. Elena Yorgova-Ramanauskus, the state secretary and CIO of the saarland government, organized a kick-off onl...
Feb-28-2022 KIST Europe and KRISS signed MoU
On Feb 28 2022, the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) and KIST Europe signed a Memorandum of Understa...
Feb-09-2022 German-Korean exchange on strategies for structural change in the automotive industry
On February 09, 2022, KIST Europe hold the meeting German-Korean exchange on strategies for structural change in the automotive in...
[PR] KIAT & KEIT Cooperation Programme
KIST Europe is very pleased to begin 'Cooperation Talk' with the following organizations and to upload the related information.1. KIAT (Kore...
Oct-13-2021 Talk with Head of Research & Technology Department in Saarland government
On October 13, 2021, Dr. Jens Rosenbaum, the Head of Department 'Research and Technology (Abteilung T)' in the Saarland Government, visi...
Sep-16-2021 Presentation on Future Plan & Open Day of Guest House
On September 16, 2021, the Director of the Institute, Dr. Soo Hyun Kim, held an internal presentation on KIST Europe’s management plan and v...
Aug-25-2021 Delegation from Hessen- and Saarland government visited KIST Europe
On August 25, 2021, Mr. Patrick Burghardt, the state secretary for digital strategy and development in hessen, and Mr. Ammar Alkassar, ...
Jun-09-2021 Video Meeting with VeKNI e.V. President
On June 9, 2021, the Director of the Institute and Dr. Dongwoon Bae, the President of VeKNI e.V. (The Korean Scientists and Engineers A...
Mar-30-2021 Video Conference with the korean Embassy in Bonn
On March 30, 2021, Dr. Soo Hyun Kim (Institute Director) had a video conference with the environmental Attaché at the South ...
Report on Research & Management Achievement 2020
Today, on February 22, 2021, the Director of the Institute Dr. Soo Hyun Kim reported on the KIST Europe's research and management ach...
Feb-10-2021 Video Conference with the 1st Vice-Minister of MSIT
Today, on February 10, 2021, the Director of the Institute Dr. Soo Hyun Kim and all Group Leaders attended a video conference with...
Oct-15-2020 Webinar_Introduction of SCIP under EU Waste Framwork Directive
On October 15, 2020, Dr. Jeongho Seo, the head of Global Cooperation Dept., gave a speech on "Introduction of SCIP under EU Waste ...
4th Info day (K-REACH and K-BPR)
On Febuary 7, The Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Bonn Office and KIST Europe held the 4th K-REACH & BPR infoday event for global chem...
KIST Europe and KCL signed MoU
On Nov 20 2019, the Korea Conformity Laboratories and KIST Europe signed a Memorandum of Understanding, declaring their intention to enhance...
NST Chairperson visited KIST Europe
On Nov 15. 2019, Dr. Kwangyun Wohn, Chairperson of the National Research Council of Science &Technology in Korea, visited KIST Europe.&n...
Workshop for Korea-EU Smart Factory Testbed Planning
On May 29, 2019, KIST Europe’s Smart Convergence Group, which develops intelligent systems for comprehensive factory operations and fosters ...
Korean Ambassador in the Czech Republic Visits KIST Europe
On Mar 21, 2019, H.E. Mr. Seung-hyun Moon, ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Prague, Czech Republic, recently visited KIST Europe along...
German Congressman from Berlin Visits KIST Europe
On March 07, 2019, Congressman Thomas Lutze, a member of Die Linke (“The Left”) party, along with the vice chairman of the German-Korea...
Korea’s Consul General in Bonn Visits KIST Europe
On Feb 08. 2019, Mr. Dooyoung Lee, Consul General at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Bonn, visited KIST Europe along with Science At...
The Minister Prize (Ministry of Science and ICT) in the Field of Research & Innovation
On July 10th,2018, the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) awarded Dr.Hyun Pyo Jeon the Minister Prize for his remarkable achievements in orc...
Korean Ambassador Visits KIST Europe
On May 04, 2018, H.E. Dr. Bumgoo Jong, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Berlin, recently paid a visit to KIST Europe along with a grou...
2018 In-Cosmetics Meeting
On April 18th, 2018, Around 40 participants from 13 Korean cosmetic ingredients manufacturers and related Institutes learned how to comply t...
KIST Europe Info day (K-REACH and K-BPR)
On March 15th, 2018, KIST Europe held an Info-day event for global companies, which are interested in the revised "K-REACH" and "new K-BPR" ...
Korea-Germany Environmental Workshop
On October 12-13th, 2017, “1st Korea-Germany Environmental Workshop, ˹Efficient ways to improve air quality˼ ” organized jointly by Korean E...
Opening Ceremony of JRC-APT
On September 5th, 2017, KIST Europe and KIT held an opening ceremony for establishment of JRC-APT in Saarbruecken, Germany Both ins...
Business cooperation with KRICT
On July 10th, 2017, KRICT and KIST Europe signed an agreement for business cooperation aiming at the cooperative tasks of ‘information of Ko...
Cosmetic Science & Technology Seminars
On June 21th, 2017, KIST Europe held a EU Cosmetic Regulation seminar in Korea, cohosted by the National Coordinating Center for Global Cosm...
Installation of KIT-KIST JRC-APT
On July 7th, 2017, KIT and KIST Europe held an opening ceremony for establishment of JRC-APT in Daejeon, South Korea. Starting with...
K-REACH Infoday
On April 27th 2017, KIST Europe hosted an event in relation to the Korean Chemical legislation K-REACH and new Korean biocidal product regul...
KIST Europe held meeting for compliance of Cosmetic Regulation
On April 5th, 2017, KIST Europe held a round table meeting for Korean cosmetic companies in London, United Kingdom. Around 40 parti...
KIST Europe and Kyunghee University signed MoU
On February 6th 2017, Kyunghee University and KIST Europe signed a Memorandum of Understanding, declaring their intention to enhance of mutu...
KIST Europe held a EU cosmetic regulation seminar in Korea.
On July 10th, 2017, KRICT and KIST Europe signed an agreement for business ...
Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, Germany
On March 15th, 2018, KIST Europe held an Info-day event for global companies,&nb...
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Europe, Saarbruecken, Germany
On September 5th, 2017, KIST Europe and KIT held an opening ceremony for es...
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